

The Xhosa alphabet is latin-based.

letters IPA
a [a]

b [ɓ]

bh [bʱ] (written as  b after m)
c [kǀ] ( written as kc after n)
ch [kǀʰ]

d [dʱ]

dl [ɮ̈] (pronounced as  [dɮʱ] after n)
dy [dʲʱ]

dz [dz] rare
e [ɛ]

f [f]

g [ɡʱ]

gc [ɡǀʱ]

gq [ɡǃʱ]

gr [ɣ̈]

gx [ɡǁʱ]

h [h]

hh [ɦ̤] (often written as h)
hl [ɬ] (written as tl,after n pronounced as[tɬ’])
i [i]

j [d̠ʒʱ]

k [k’]

kh [kʰ]

kr [kx’]

l [l]

lh [l̤]

m [m]

mh [m̤]

n [n] (pronounced as [ŋ] before k )
n’ [ŋ]

nc [ŋǀ]

ngc [ŋǀʱ]

ngq [ŋǃʱ]

ngx [ŋǁʱ]

nh [n̤]

nq [ŋǃ]

nx [ŋǁ]

ny [nʲ]

nyh [n̤ʲ]

o [ɔ]

p [p’]

ph [pʰ]

q [kǃ] (after n written as  kq)
qh [kǃʰ]

r [r, r̤] (only in loanwords)
rh [x]

s [s]

sh [ʃ]

t [t’]

th [tʰ]

ths [tsʰ] (sometimes written as tsh)
tl [tɬ’] (variant of hl after n)
ts [ts’]

tsh [tʃ’; tʃʰ] (two phonemes; [tʃʰ] sometimes it is written as  thsh)
ty [tʲ’]

tyh [tʲʰ]

u [u]

v [v̤]

w [w]

wh [w̤]

x [kǁ] It is writtean as kx after n
xh [kǁʰ]

y [j]

yh [j̈]

z [z̤]